10 Other Ways to Say 'I'm Very Tired'

Feeling exhausted and need to express it? Saying 'I'm very tired' can become repetitive and boring. Luckily, there are many alternative phrases you can use to convey your fatigue. Here are 10 other ways to say 'I'm very tired':

  1. I'm completely drained
  2. I'm utterly exhausted
  3. I'm worn out
  4. I'm dead tired
  5. I'm running on empty
  6. I'm feeling fatigued
  7. I'm physically and mentally exhausted
  8. I'm running out of steam
  9. I'm feeling wiped out
  10. I'm at the end of my rope

Now, let's take a closer look at each alternative phrase and provide examples for better understanding:

1. I'm Completely Drained

This phrase suggests that you have used up all your energy and have nothing left. It emphasizes a complete lack of energy and can be used in various contexts.


I've been working non-stop on this project, and now I'm completely drained.

2. I'm Utterly Exhausted

Similar to 'completely drained,' 'utterly exhausted' indicates a state of extreme tiredness. It implies that you are physically and mentally worn out.


After the long hike, I'm utterly exhausted and just want to lie down.

3. I'm Worn Out

'Worn out' suggests that you have been using your energy for a long time and are now depleted. It can be used to describe both physical and mental exhaustion.


I've been studying for exams all week, and I'm completely worn out.

4. I'm Dead Tired

This phrase is a colloquial way of saying 'I'm very tired.' 'Dead tired' emphasizes a feeling of extreme fatigue, as if you could collapse at any moment.


After working a double shift, I'm dead tired and can barely keep my eyes open.

5. I'm Running on Empty

'Running on empty' suggests that you have used up all your energy reserves and have nothing left. It implies a feeling of exhaustion and being completely drained.


I've been taking care of my sick child all night, and now I'm running on empty.

6. I'm Feeling Fatigued

'Feeling fatigued' is a more formal way to express tiredness. It indicates a general sense of weariness and lack of energy.


After the intense workout, I'm feeling fatigued and need to rest.

7. I'm Physically and Mentally Exhausted

This phrase explicitly states that you are tired both physically and mentally. It emphasizes that your fatigue encompasses all aspects of your being.


After a long day at work, dealing with difficult clients, I'm physically and mentally exhausted.

8. I'm Running Out of Steam

'Running out of steam' suggests that you are losing energy or enthusiasm. It implies a feeling of exhaustion and a decrease in motivation.


After working on this project for hours, I'm running out of steam and need a break.

9. I'm Feeling Wiped Out

'Feeling wiped out' means that you are completely exhausted, both physically and mentally. It suggests a total depletion of energy.


After the long flight and jet lag, I'm feeling wiped out and need to rest.

10. I'm at the End of My Rope

This phrase suggests that you have reached the limit of your endurance and cannot continue. It implies a state of extreme fatigue and frustration.


After dealing with multiple crises at work, I'm at the end of my rope and need a vacation.

Now you have a variety of alternative phrases to express your tiredness. Remember to choose the one that best suits your situation and context.

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