11 Polite Ways to Say 'Let's Schedule a Call'

When it comes to scheduling a call, you want to be polite and professional in your communication. Instead of using the same phrase over and over, consider these alternative ways to suggest scheduling a call:

  1. I would love to set up a call with you
  2. Let's arrange a time to speak
  3. Are you available for a phone call?
  4. Can we schedule a call to discuss this further?
  5. It would be great to hop on a call and chat
  6. Would you be open to a phone conversation?
  7. Shall we set aside some time for a call?
  8. May I suggest a phone call to discuss this in detail?
  9. Let's connect over the phone to go over the details
  10. Could we have a call to further discuss this?
  11. Can we find a time to chat over the phone?

Here are a few examples to help you understand how to use these phrases:

1. I would love to set up a call with you

This phrase expresses your enthusiasm and interest in speaking with the other person. It conveys a sense of excitement and eagerness to connect.

Example: Hi Sarah, I've been meaning to discuss the project with you. I would love to set up a call with you to go over the details. Are you available for a call sometime tomorrow?

2. Let's arrange a time to speak

Using this phrase maintains a professional tone while suggesting the need for a call. It implies a mutual agreement to find a suitable time for both parties to engage in a conversation.

Example: Hello John, I think it would be beneficial for us to discuss the upcoming presentation. Let's arrange a time to speak and go over the key points. When are you available for a call?

3. Are you available for a phone call?

This question directly asks the other person about their availability for a call. It gives them the opportunity to provide their preferred time and shows respect for their schedule.

Example: Hi Lisa, I have a few ideas to discuss regarding the marketing campaign. Are you available for a phone call sometime this week?

Continue reading for more alternatives to suggest scheduling a call.

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