12 Different Ways to Say 'See You Soon' in English

When it's time to part ways with someone, it's a common phrase to say 'See you soon'. But maybe you're tired of using the same old phrase and want to switch things up.

This article has compiled a list of 12 different ways to say 'See you soon' in English:

  1. Goodbye for now
  2. Take care
  3. Until we meet again
  4. Stay in touch
  5. See you down the road
  6. Catch you later
  7. Keep well
  8. Safe travels
  9. Keep in touch
  10. Hope to see you again soon
  11. Farewell
  12. Have a great day

Let's explore each alternative and provide an example or two for each one:

1. Goodbye for now

This phrase implies that the parting is temporary and that you expect to see the person again in the future.


Goodbye for now, Sarah. I'll see you next week at the party.

2. Take care

This is a common way to bid farewell and is often used to show concern for the other person's well-being.


Take care, John. Have a safe trip.

3. Until we meet again

With this phrase, you express your hope of seeing the person again in the future.


Until we meet again, Lisa. It was great catching up with you.

4. Stay in touch

This is a way to encourage ongoing communication, even if you won't be seeing each other in person for a while.


It was nice seeing you, Mark. Let's stay in touch and grab lunch soon.

5. See you down the road

This phrase suggests that you may cross paths again at some point in the future.


Thanks for the coffee, Jessica. See you down the road!

6. Catch you later

This is an informal way to say goodbye, usually suggesting that you'll see the person later in the day or week.


Alright, catch you later, Michael. Have a good one.

7. Keep well

This phrase is used to express the wish that the other person stays healthy and takes care of themselves.


Take care and keep well, Emily. See you soon.

8. Safe travels

When someone is embarking on a journey, it's common to wish them safe travels.


Have a safe trip, David. See you when you get back.

9. Keep in touch

This phrase encourages continued communication and connection, emphasizing the importance of staying in contact.


Great to see you, Anna. Let's keep in touch and plan another get-together soon.

10. Hope to see you again soon

With this phrase, you express your desire and anticipation to meet the person again in the near future.


Thanks for coming, Tom. Hope to see you again soon.

11. Farewell

This phrase carries a more formal and final tone, often used when parting from someone for a longer period or indefinitely.


Farewell, Linda. It was a pleasure working with you.

12. Have a great day

This common phrase is a friendly way to wish someone well as you part ways.


Thanks for the chat, Robert. Have a great day!

Feel free to use these alternatives to 'See you soon' to add variety and warmth to your farewells. Remember to choose the appropriate phrase based on the formality of the situation and your relationship with the other person.

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