Is 'finalize' the best word to use in your writing? Let's explore some alternatives to 'finalize'.
Here are some other words or phrases you can consider using instead of 'finalize':
- Complete
- Conclude
- Wrap up
- Finish
- Settle
- Close
- Resolute
- Culminate
- Execute
- Bring to a close
Each of these alternatives has a slightly different connotation or usage. Let's look at a few examples to understand how to use them:
1. Complete
Instead of saying 'finalize the project', you can say 'complete the project'.
Example: 'Let's work together to complete the project on time.'
2. Conclude
Instead of saying 'finalize the meeting agenda', you can say 'conclude the meeting agenda'.
Example: 'It is time to conclude the meeting agenda and move on to the next item.'
3. Wrap up
Instead of saying 'finalize the report', you can say 'wrap up the report'.
Example: 'Let's wrap up the report and send it out before the deadline.'
4. Finish
Instead of saying 'finalize the contract', you can say 'finish the contract'.
Example: 'We need to finish the contract negotiation by the end of the week.'
5. Settle
Instead of saying 'finalize the decision', you can say 'settle the decision'.
Example: 'It is time to settle the decision and put it into action.'
Choosing the right word can make your writing more precise and engaging. Consider these alternatives to 'finalize' next time you want to convey the completion or conclusion of a task or project.
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