Is it Correct to Say 'Comprise' or 'Constitute'?

Both 'comprise' and 'constitute' are verbs that are used to describe the composition or makeup of something. However, they are used in slightly different ways and have different meanings.

The word 'comprise' means to consist of or be made up of something. It is used to indicate that the whole is composed of several parts.

For example:

The United States comprises 50 states.

The team comprises players from different countries.

The word 'constitute' means to be the parts or elements that form something. It is used to indicate that something is considered as a particular thing or is regarded as having a particular quality.

For example:

The United States constitution constitutes the framework of the government.

These actions constitute a violation of the law.

So, in summary:

- Indicates the parts making up the whole.
- Indicates the parts that form something or are considered as a particular thing.

Both words are correct and can be used, but it is important to use them appropriately based on their meanings.

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