Pray vs. Prey: Proper Usage Guide

Understanding the difference between 'pray' and 'prey' is essential to ensure proper communication in writing. Although these two words sound the same when spoken, they have different meanings and spellings. Let's explore the proper usage of 'pray' and 'prey' to avoid confusion:


'Pray' is a verb that typically means to address a deity or make a request for help, guidance, or strength. It is often associated with religion or spirituality.

She likes to pray to her gods every morning for a successful day ahead.


'Prey,' on the other hand, is a noun or a verb that refers to an animal that is hunted and killed by another for food. It can also be used metaphorically to describe someone who is vulnerable to harm or exploitation.

The cheetah stalked its prey silently before making the final leap.

Now that you understand the distinctions between 'pray' and 'prey,' you can confidently use the correct word in various contexts without any confusion. Remember, 'pray' relates to spiritual activities, while 'prey' refers to hunting or vulnerability.

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